
Rochester & Cobham Park Golf Club


Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Safeguarding Policies

R&CP GC has a Safe Golf accreditation.

Safeguarding policy for Junior Golfers
Safeguarding Policy for Adults
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy

For specific details on safeguarding, please contact: Club Welfare Officer Mandy Laming on 01474 823411 Option 1

Sports Chaplaincy

A sports chaplain provides, “ongoing pastoral and spiritual care, by permission, to those of faith or no faith, for the holistic well-being of all involved in the community of sport.”

At the R&A Open Regional Qualifier in 2023 our Captain, Bob Dench, met and chatted with Alan Cable a trainee Chaplain with Sports Chaplaincy UK. Alan was a golf professional and is friends with Peter Mitchell, himself no stranger to Rochester and Cobham Park Golf Club. Alan very kindly offered his support and assistance to our club and membership So if there are issues that you might wish to discuss you may contact Alan directly, or via the Chaplaincy service website, with discretion assured. 

Park Pale, Rochester , Kent ME2 3UL
Telephone: +44 (0) 1474 823411

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