
Rochester & Cobham Park Golf Club


Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Veterans Section

Our Veterans enjoy a lively programme of both golf and social events specifically catering for the over-60s.

We actively compete, home and away, against many other clubs in Kent at both Veteran and Super-Vet level as well as a comprehensive calendar of internal competitions in a variety of formats.

For more information on our Veterans' Section, please contact The Club Manager on 01474 823411 or by email.

Park Pale, Rochester , Kent ME2 3UL
Telephone: +44 (0) 1474 823411

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