
Rochester & Cobham Park Golf Club


Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Hole 14

  387 Yards, Par 4, S.I. 9
  357 Yards, Par 4, S.I. 9
  340 Yards, Par 4, S.I. 13

Hole Description

The 14th hole is a straight par 4.

An accurate tee shot is required with a bunker left and thick rough and trees to the right.

The second shot will tend to roll right on landing so the best line is to the left of the flag.

A long green from front to back can cause problems with club selection.

Park Pale, Rochester , Kent ME2 3UL
Telephone: +44 (0) 1474 823411

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.