
Rochester & Cobham Park Golf Club


Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Course Status

Course is open. Any G.U.R. bunkers are marked with white stakes. Thank you. Updated: 28th Sep 2024

Hole 9

  434 Yards, Par 4, S.I. 4
  407 Yards, Par 4, S.I. 4
  381 Yards, Par 4, S.I. 6

Hole Description

The 9th hole is a tough finish to the front nine.

A long drive as close to the left hand side as possible, will keep the ball away from the bunker.

A very narrow entrance to a two-tier green well protected by bunkers makes this one of the most challenging holes on the course.

Park Pale, Rochester , Kent ME2 3UL
Telephone: +44 (0) 1474 823411

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.